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User-Centred Product Creation in Interactive Electronic Publishing

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VNET5 Partners

The core VNET5 team comprises the partners in the VNET5 project, working collaboratively across Europe:

ACit - Advance Concepts for interactive technology GmbH, Germany, has long standing competence in user evaluation of technical systems with emphasis on the productivity for the owner and quality of life for users.

Performance by Design Ltd, UK, is a UK-based consultancy helping organisations improve performance. It offers deep expertise in the business application of user-centred design, usability evaluation and interactive learning.

Hypermedia Open Center at Politecnico di Milano - Department of Electronics and Information, Italy, has specialist competence in usability inspection methods and human-centred development of hypermedia systems.

Department of Human Sciences and Design at Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, has specialist expertise in design informatics, including human-computer interaction and usability engineering.

Ergonomics and Technology Group at ETH Zurich – Switzerland's leading university for technology – runs a usability lab, and has long standing experience in the design and evaluation of interactive systems.

TEC lab research group at the Università della Svizzera Italiana - Faculty of Communication Sciences has developed valuable expertise in user-centred evaluation methods for advanced multimedia applications.